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“I volunteer at HRC not only because it keeps tenants in their homes, but because it empowers tenants to learn their rights. ” -HRCSF volunteer

Staff and volunteers: (L-R) Carrie, Julieanne, Camila, Sara (behind Camila), John, Ron, Stephanie, Michelle (with hand in front of face) and Teo. (Bottom) James of the AIDS Housing Alliance and Tommi.

Like all grassroots organizations, Housing Rights Committee depends on volunteers to provide our many services available to San Francisco tenants. Tenants rights counselors do one of the most important jobs: advising clients who walk in the door or call for help.

Tenant problems range from illegal rent increases and evictions, to lack of repairs and non-return of security deposits. We do not provide legal counsel, so you don’t have to be a lawyer to be a counselor. Volunteer counselors are trained during our counseling hours. They are聽given a handbook to help them learn about tenants rights protections available to SF renters. A volunteer counselor can work from one to four shifts. Each shift is four hours. We also welcome students who want to do internships.

If you don’t want to be a counselor but want to help with the counseling program, you can be a receptionist, a job that includes answering phones and instructing people on the intake process when they drop in. Or volunteers can help by doing office work, including filing, data entry, phone calls, and more.

Without our volunteers, we could not help almost 5,000 people a year.

To join our exciting counseling team, call 415-703-8634 and ask for Tommi or Stephanie, or email tmecca@hrcsf.org We are also looking for volunteers who speak other languages besides English, especially Spanish and Chinese! See flyers below for more details:

Como todas las organizaciones de base, el Comit茅 de Derechos de Vivienda depende de la ayuda de voluntarios para proporcionar los muchos servicios que ponemos a disposici贸n de los inquilinos en San Francisco.

Los voluntarios hacen muchos grandes trabajos – fotocopiado, cotejar, mailings, entrada de datos, etc. Uno de los trabajos m谩s importantes es el asesoramiento derechos de los inquilinos, asesorando a clientes que caminan en la puerta o llamar para pedir ayuda. Problemas de los inquilinos van desde aumentos de alquiler y los desalojos ilegales a la falta de reparaciones y la no devoluci贸n de los dep贸sitos de seguridad. No proporcionar asesor铆a legal, por lo que no tiene que ser un abogado para ser un consejero. Los voluntarios est谩n capacitados y se les da un manual para ayudar a aprender sobre protecci贸n de los derechos de los inquilinos.
Los voluntarios tambi茅n trabajan como recepcionistas en los d铆as de asesor铆a (de lunes a jueves), contestar los tel茅fonos e instruir a la gente sobre el proceso de admisi贸n. Sin ellos, no podr铆amos ayudar a m谩s de 4.000 personas al a帽o.

Si usted est谩 interesado en ser voluntario y ser parte de nuestro equipo de voluntarios emocionante, env铆enos un email a audrey@hrcsf.org.